"... Elle était placée sur le divan et fort près de lui. Il voyait ses cheveux et son cou d'albâtre ; un moment il oublia tout ce qu'il se devait; il passa le bras autour de sa taille, et la serra presque contre sa poitrine. Elle tourna la tête lentement ..."
"... It was placed on the couch and very close to him. He saw her hair and her alabaster neck, and a moment he forgot everything he had and he put his arm around her waist, and pressed almost against his chest. She turned her head slowly... "

Stendhal, Le Rouge et Le Noir, 1830, chap. LX
Rouge et Noir
Hélène de Saint Lager
Buntal and revered pheasant feathers
In exclusivity at the Bon Marché and Frank & Fils
Red and Black
Hélène de Saint Lager
Pheasant feathers and revered Buntal
In Exclusivity At The Bon Marche and Frank & Son
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